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Paroda / Exhibition


Batikos darbų paroda „Minčių portretai“ LRT galerija 2017.08.17

Exhibition of batik works "Portraits of Thoughts" LRT gallery 2017.08.17

Turiu dvi aistras – Keliones ir Kūrybą, jos abi vien nuo kitos priklausomos.
“ I have two passions – Travel and Creation and they both depend on one another.”

Keliaudama “išvalau” galvą nuo triukšmo, pradedu girdėti savo mintis, fiksuoju jas ant popieriaus, kuriu etiudus, kuriuos visus vadinu

As I travel, I clear my head of noise, I start to hear my thoughts,

I record them on paper, then I create etudes that I call “Portraits of Thoughts”.

“Minčių portretais” / “Portraits of Thoughts”

Etiudai sukurti keliaujant po skirtingas šalis: Lietuva, Brazilija, Marokas, Portugalija, Malaizija, Tanzanija/Zanzibaras, Malta, Omanas, Filipinai. Vėliau piešiniai virsta batikos darbais, šia technika kuriu jau daugiau nei 25-eri metai. Piešdama eskizus visuomet galvoju kaip jie atrodys perkelti ant tekstilės, bet tai nėra padidintos eskizų kopijos, o tolimesnis kūrybinis procesas.

The etudes were created while traveling to various countries: Lithuania, Brazil, Morocco, Portugal, Malaysia, Tanzania / Zanzibar, Malta, Oman, Philippines.Later the drawings are made into batik works. I have been practicing this technique for more that 25 years. When drawing the sketches, I always think about how they will look transferred to textiles, since this is not an enlarged copy of the sketches, but just a step in the creative process.

Parodos atidarymo akimirkos / The opening moments of the exhibition:

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